I am reminded of a collage workshop I did with Michelli Ramon on July 13, 2012 at the annual convention for Chromosone 18 parents and their children.
The prognosis is that all of these children will die young and probably not survive their 20’s.
All of the children had to be 18 years of age to participate. We provided all supplies, and they collaged for about two hours.
Afterward we all gathered in the ballroom and each child was able to get up on stage and show their collage and share
their thoughts. There was one woman who participated and had now survived into her early 40’s. Her words appear at the end of the video and are written for Michelli and me.
I took photos of each child’s collage and my friend, Lyn Belisle, created the video. On the video one boy chose a picture of a man
working in an office and then crossed through the image, knowing that he will never achieve that life goal. Their courage is palpable.
When I remember the children, their hearts and words, my heart opens and breaks.
Angels & Cemeteries
On October 12, 2015, I walked the Glenwood cemetery…