I am reminded of a collage workshop I did with Michelli Ramon on July 13, 2012 at the annual convention for Chromosone 18 parents and their children. The prognosis is that all of these children will die young and probably not survive their 20's. All of the children...
In the CategoryAngels & Cemeteries
On October 12, 2015, I walked the Glenwood cemetery…
Like Polished Blue Stones
My world and my heart were shattered by the nod of the emergency room physician’s head to my one question, “Is he gone?”
Perfectionism and Creativity
Weeks of class had left me with zero confidence in myself and my abilities to work with clay… Why was I so worried about what other people thought?
The Freeing of Peggy Grace Hawk
In less than an hour it would all be over. the oxygen in the car would be displaced by the carbon monoxide gas, depriving Victor’s lungs of the air needed to sustain his breathing. His choice of self-deliverance to God would be fulfilled.
A Portrait of My Hero
As I look at the old black and white photograph of him and me, I see an image of a handsome young man, age thirty-five, and his infant daughter.
The Cries of Children
I thought I would share this "gift of experience" with you today — something I know many of you child-loss parents have experienced in your own ways. It is an excerpt from my book, Star Child: A Mother's Journey through Grief. The quote that opens this chapter is from...
My heart welcomes you
A great place to start your exploration of Jennifer’s site.